Third Review

Third Review

Monday, 28 January 2013

One of the things about the Secret Stairs book that we shouldn’t fail to mention is that Mr Fleming’s walks are loops. The starting point is also the ending point, and that’s helpful. When we did the 49 mile walk in San Francisco, the ending point was always 2 or 3 miles from the starting point, and getting back to the car sometimes was a hassle.

Walk #31—Upper Rockridge East was made during a day when the sky was dull. There are great views of the Bay during the walk, but the photographs did not turn out well.

Here’s one view, taken this morning right after sunrise, up near the intersection of Arbon Path and Contra Costa Road. It was 40F, and generally clear.

Here’s another view from Upper Rockridge East: downtown Oakland.

Another view from Upper Rockridge East: downtown Emeryville, Alcatraz, and a tanker going out to sea, near the north tower.

We’re waiting for a warm day to tackle the last walk, #36—El Cerrito.

After that last walk is completed, we might go through the walks again, but in the reverse direction for each of the walks. 

We’ve also had several discussions about rating the walks, the five best and the five least interesting. More on that later.

A quick review of the greatness of loop walks and the view on a clear day from Upper Rockridge.

Next—El Cerrito.