The Walks
Each walk will have its own page, with commentary and a map.
There is also a map showing all of the walks in Oakland and Piedmont, and another map showing Berkeley and the walks to the north.
Upper Rockridge West, revisited
Sunday, August 3, 2014
This is a great walk for exercise, plus the views are good. Home improvements were noted along the walk.
Next—Dracena Park, Walk #34.
Upper Rockridge East, revisited
Saturday, August 2, 2014
This is a good walk for exercise, plus the views are good.
Next—Upper Rockridge West, Walk #30.
Trestle Glen and Lakeshore, revisited
Saturday, July 19, 2014
We wanted to stroll along Lakeshore’s commercial district, and decided on this nearby walk.
Next—Upper Rockridge East, Walk #31.
Great Stone Face Park, revisited
Sunday, July 13, 2014
No surprise—we’ve given up doing the walks in numerical order.
Next—Trestle Glen and Lakeshore Highlands, Walk #26.
Another update! Walks #12 and #22
Saturday, July 12, 2014
It’s early July and we are back in shape for long walks.
Next—Great Stone Face Park, Walk #16.