Plan Deviation, Again

Plan Deviation, Again

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Gentle Readers, we decided, again, to put off the next walk, Codornices Park and instead went up to Northbrae Rock Paths and did the #15 Walk today. It was 57F and the air quality was not good.

We started at Indian Rock Park, and went in the reverse direction. 

When we got to The Circle, there was a banner letting everyone know about significant repairs to the area.

As we went down Fountain Walk to Sutter Street (that’s the name, although most people would call it Shattuck Avenue), we noticed that most of the replaced balusters must have been along this staircase, not up at The Circle.

When we got to The Circle, there was a banner letting everyone know about significant repairs to the area.

At this point, we are at the intersection of Sutter Street and Del Norte Street.

We had not been on this walk for some time, and remarked at how few steps there are, but that the path ways are nice to walk along. 

All along there was some evidence of Halloween, and on Spruce we came to Mr Pumpkin Head—the best find of the walk so far.

At the intersection of Santa Barbara Road and Marin Avenue the LittleFreeLibrary (charter number 1449) was still in business. Books inside the box include Steinbeck’s East of Eden and Schultz’ Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Peanuts.

This time, we made it a point to go to Grotto Rock Park on Santa Barbara Road, three houses up from the intersection with Indian Rock Avenue. 

According to the City’s web site, Grotto Rock Park was given to the City by the Mason–McDuffie Real Estate Company about one hundred years ago. McDuffie is mentioned in Walk #1, Claremont: The Uplands.

After walking around the rock (there are steps cut into it that proved handy), we reverted to the route, and walked along Indian Rock Avenue. About half way to the next turn, we discovered a goat was watching us.

A neighbor told us the household there has three goats, but we only saw the one.

After just a few more minutes, we were back at Indian Rock Park, our starting point.

Here is a link to the first blog entry on Walk #15. 

A sore foot meant we put off, again, the 1,230 steps of Cordonices Park. Instead, we walked around Indian Rock Park (Walk #15, Northbrae Rock Paths).

Next—Codornices Park. Maybe we’ll cover Berryman, too. Maybe.