Second Update on the Walk
Second Update
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Some of what we’ve seen on our walk has already changed. On our first day, we walked along the southern stretch of the Great Highway. Not long after, the street was closed. See “Erosion forces closure of Great Highway Lanes.”
We also walked by the Palace of Fine Arts, which houses the Exploratorium. Now the museum is moving over to Piers 15 and 17 on the Embarcadero.
The busy Transbay Terminal is now closed and is being demolished.
We also went to the Zoo and have revised our opinion of it. It’s much nicer in the sun than the fog. The Lemur exhibit is fun, too.
We still need to go through Golden Gate Park and back down towards Ft Funston to finish the walk, but we’ve decided that the 49 mile drive can be improved. When we’re done with this walk, we are going to get in a car and follow the seagull signs. Then we’re going to start over, but visit places that are missing for the drive, such as McLaren Park. We’ll have plenty to do for another year or two.
A few additional thoughts on the Long Walk, both what we’ve seen and what is left to see. Plus, a new idea.
Next—We are definitely going up and over Twin Peaks.