Mission Dolores towards Twin Peaks

Mission Dolores towards Twin Peaks

Sunday, 10 October 2010

We started by taking a streetcar from Market Street back to out to 16th and Church. From there we walked down to Dolores and turned left.

We turned west at 14th Street, following the 49 mile drive. Here is a look up the street. Twin Peaks is out of the picture, on the left side. 

The sun is out, and the temperature is right around 70 degrees as we start our walk.

As we gained altitude, the view opened up. Here you can see the start of our walk on the left (Basilica) and Mission High School’s tower on the right.

The walk is pretty easy, and the temperature is starting to climb.

Here’s how the neighborhood looks.

It’s unclear why, but a lot of people in San Francisco really celebrate Halloween. These jack–o–lanterns are two weeks early.

This is our route today. We’re going as far as there is a sidewalk.

Here is the entrance to Corona Heights Park. The peak is 520 feet above sea level. There is a dog park here, which has spectacular views. 

We didn’t go to the Randall Museum.

A bit further up the path and the view opens up.

We can see Twin Peaks now. Funny, there is a fog blowing in, and it’s moving at a good rate of speed. Here you can see individual people enjoying the view, and a couple of tour buses. This is our eventual destination.

We’re high enough up now that we can look northwest. This is Cole Valley, and the hill with the eucalyptus trees is Parnassus Heights. On the other side is the University of California, San Francisco main campus. 

Pointing the camera a bit more to the north brings in Golden Gate Park. Here you can see the tower of the De Young Museum. Also, the fog in the Golden Gate Straits.

Here is a view of some of the houses in the area.

A bit more to the north and there’s the University of San Francisco

A long look across the bay to Oakland. Beyond is Mt Diablo, from which the Sierra Nevada can often be seen.

One last look at downtown. You can see the dome of City Hall behind the peak in Corona Heights Park.

We ran out of sidewalk and stopped. The tour buses are gone from Twin Peaks, but you can still spot a few visitors.

A few blocks back, the temperature went from the mid–70s to 55 or so, all because of the fog.

Progress to date: about 32 miles.

It’s been over two months since our last walk. Part of that was a vacation, and another was the weather. What a summer, fog and chill practically the whole season. But now it’s autumn, the best part of the year. 

Today, we’re going from Mission Dolores uphill towards Twin Peaks.

Next—We are definitely going up and over Twin Peaks.