Sunset Boulevard to Lake Merced
Sunset Boulevard south to Lake Merced
Sunday, 1 May 2011
It’s been two months since our last walk. The winter was rainy; we thought we’d just wait for a nice day.
The forecast was for 75 degrees and sunny today, so off we went to Stonestown shopping center to check it out for the first time. After a walk through the farmers’ market, we boarded Muni line #29 and headed north up Sunset to Noriega. From there we walked back south, towards Lake Merced.
It wasn’t 75. More like 60. But a fine day, nonetheless.
This is looking towards the ocean, down Noriega. Lots of wires.
This view looks back towards Golden Gate Park. There is also a seagull sign, reminding everyone that we’re walking backwards.
Here’s another street, no overhead wires. Much cleaner looking. If you look closely, there are three ships to be seen.
Saint Ignatius College Prep runs along three blocks of Sunset. The school was founded in 1855. Rumor has it Governor Brown studied here.
Soon we crossed Ocean Avenue and not long after came up to Lake Merced, a 614 acre park. This statue is of Juan Bautista de Anza; we have crossed his long trail before on our much shorter walk.
From here, we turned along Lake Merced Boulevard, walking along a small part of Lake Merced and back towards Stonestown. Harding Park Golf Course is across the lake.
This is Lake Merced Boulevard, with a jogging and bicycle trail on the lake’s shore. Twin Peaks lookout is to the right of the giant television tower.
Here’s one last look at a part of the lake. From this point, we turned on Winston Drive and walked back to the car and lunch.
Here is today’s route, 2.3 miles. We’ve covered 44 miles so far. I can’t get the whole walking map in; will keep trying Google Maps to see if that’s possible.
We parked the car at Stonestown, and took a bus back up Sunset to Noriega, and then walked back down to Lake Merced.
Next—Around Lake Merced, and the end of the Long Walk.