Golden Gate Park, Second Segment

Golden Gate Park, Second Segment

Saturday, 5 February 2011

We drove out to the 19th and Lincoln to continue our walk into Golden Gate Park.

It was 68 degrees and sunny today. 

The first thing that caught the eye were the blooming fruit trees.

You can see our path here and what a fine day it was.

After walking around the corner, we heard a lot of rushing water.

Here is the outflow into Lloyd Lake, and the lake itself.

The ceanothus were in bloom, a month ahead of schedule.

This is the side of the music shell and a look at the copper–clad DeYoung.

A little farther one we came to Spreckles Lake

Next, we were at the Bison Paddock. They were having a lazy day.

Since we are walking the route backwards, we have to turn our heads to find the seagull signs. They seem to be well placed.

After leaving the park, it’s a straight walk south along Sunset. This is the scene at Irving Street. The boulevard is a parkway.

Here is today’s route, 2.9 miles.

Lastly, here are two more pictures of the scene along Sunset. The ocean is visible down Judah Street.

We’ve covered 42 miles so far. 

We parked the car at 19th and Lincoln, and continued our walk in Golden Gate Park. We halted our walk at three miles, and took a bus back to the car.

Next—Sunset Boulevard.