Fourth Update
Fourth Update
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Above: Butterflies at the California Academy of Sciences, which is not on the 49 mile drive.
We are going to put together another Long Walk, this time picking up interesting streets left off the “drive” and getting rid of some of the walk which turned out to not be keenly interesting. Suggestions appreciated.
Missing from the drive are some interesting streets, such as Fillmore Street. Also, about half of the city is missing (generally, the southeast). We’ll try to cover these areas next time.
Not terribly interesting was some of the Tenderloin. Howard Street wasn’t fascinating. The least attractive segment was along Cesar Chavez. Because the street was not appealing, we got off and went up lower 24th Street, which was a good thing.
Our walk took a little longer than expected. An illness, a rainy winter and a vacation stretched the time to finish the walk out a few months. Overall, it was a good way to see San Francisco. I am actually glad we walked it in reverse, as the sun was better looking to the north and east in the first half of the excursion.
Bottom line: the walk was a good thing to do and we encourage others to give it a try.
We are going to get into a car and take the 49 mile drive to see how it compares. Which will lead to one last update.
A review of the Long Walk and what comes next.