49 Mile Drive—New Information
Update on the 49 Mile Drive
Sunday, 9 May 2010
The direction of our walk is indeed the reverse of the direction that car drivers are supposed to take. Who knew? That shouldn’t matter for pedestrians, as we can go the wrong way up one way streets.
Someone named David, who lives in the Marina, made a map in 2007 showing the route as he understands it. Click here to see it. It looks like the drive is 46 miles long. A few miles are on 280 from downtown out to Cesar Chavez, which we will have to skip.
Wikipedia also has an entry for the 49 mile drive. Click here to see it.
The San Francisco Chronicle has a long article on the drive, too, from 2003. “A long and winding road...City's 49 Mile Scenic Drive a little loopy but not without its charms.” The photograph above is from the article; the caption is “Artist Rex May, left, displays the new 49 Mile Scenic Drive sign in 1938.” I like the old sign better than the new one, shown on the entry for April 25th.
There is also an Auto Club map of the drive, which differs from David’s map, but only very slightly, up on Twin Peaks.
We have come across more information about the 49 Mile Drive that might be of interest.