Tuesday, 10 June 2014
We’ve been walking in Piedmont, Glenview, Montclair and Berkeley. No particular order was followed. But, yes! We did Codornices Park a week ago.
We will get back to a standard to make it easier to follow along. In the meantime, we’ve seen new things out on the walks. This tree house above is on the Colton staircase on Walk #32—Montclair Village. It was not there the last time we did that walk.
Also, some things we’ve seen before either are gone or in need of repair. For instance, it looks like the Poetry Wall in Walk #14—Northbrae Heights had a tough winter.
Several months have gone by without a post. Sorry! We went on a vacation in mid–January, and then when we got back one of us came down with a nasty cough that took three weeks to get over. Then the other got the same cough, and it took another three weeks.
But, we then regrouped and started shorter walks to get back in shape. We’ll cover a bit here.
Next—Somewhere in the Berkeley Hills.