Revisiting the Walks

Claremont: The Uplands, again!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

We did Walk #1, Claremont: the Uplands yesterday, and are reporting on some changes we noted.

On Roanoke Road there is a sign on a pole in the sidewalk that signifies the city boundary of Berkeley (and of Oakland). The house by the sign now has a fine chicken coop and at least 5 chickens strutting in the front yard.

Across the street and down the hill, the little produce farm is going strong, with beautiful tomatoes and, despite the date, a large zucchini flower in bloom.

We walked in the reverse direction, which always produces new views. For instance, when you are walking past 6016 Chabot Crest, look for the arty surfboard by the front door. It’s not easy to spot if you are walking in the proper direction.

Halfway up The Cutoff, look to the right at the giant redwood tree. There are several other really big redwoods on this walk, but this one is spectacular.

Our friends, the Honking Goose and Duck, are still there on Oakridge Path. They now have several baby chickens living with them.

The unusual looking green and blue truck is still on Manor House. Does it ever move?

We intend on doing the walks in order again, and will report on changes we see.

Here is the map of the walk.

Here is a link to the first entry in the blog about Walk #1.

Looking for changes since the first time we walked this route.

Next—Walk #2, Claremont Hotel Heights.