Rose Walk #9
Rose Walk, reprise
Sunday, 17 November 2013
We had another discussion about Berryman Station (Walk #7) this morning. It’s sort of chilly outside—54F—and decided that Rose Walk would be enough on its own.
We started at Codornices Park and the Rose Garden, and walked in reverse direction.
Here’s a map of the walk.
We were going along on Oak Street Path when we noticed the house (# 2385) that had been undergoing renovation looks like the work has been finished.
Then down at the intersection of Glen and Cedar, we noticed another house undergoing renovation. Significantly so. The sign in the window is for Solares House Movers, and one of the tasks listed is raising.
Two houses along, a new house is being built. We can’t remember if there was a house on this lot last year.
This is a good time to look over the map again. We’ve worked our way over to Scenic Avenue, and at #1387, there is another house up in the air!
One thing that struck us were the leaves on the ground—some places the leaves were so thick we couldn’t see the sidewalk!
After going up Hawthorne Steps and turning left on Hawthorne Terrace, we came upon a sign that clearly said 1406A is not 1406. OK, and 1406 is clearly marked 20 feet up the sidewalk.
We worked our way up Rose Walk and turned right on Le Roy. At the bottom of La Loma Steps is the house with the nice roof. The tree that was green when we were here last time is now turning color.
Of course, we came across another house up in the air!
We worked our way along to Tamalpais Path and down to Cordonices Park. The park, even on a chilly day, had a lot of people in it, playing basketball, having picnics, and using the slide.
We walked up to Euclid Avenue and looked at the Rose Garden and the view of the Bay, and then went out to lunch.
Here’s a link to the original blog post on Rose Walk.
One of our group finds Berryman Station (Walk #7) boring, so we’re putting it off today and just going with Rose Walk.
Next—Codornices Park. Maybe we’ll cover Berryman, too.