Holy Hill
Holy Hill, reprise
Sunday, 3 November 2013
It is definitely autumn this morning. 59F at the start of the walk, with a thin layer of high clouds. Here’s the map from last year.
Another Sunday, another Holy Hill walk, and we still haven’t seen many church goers at the Pacific School of Religion. It was very quiet as we walked through the campus.
The autumn colors are out.
The autumn colors are evident in this tree on Arch Street.
The occupants of the house at the corner of Cedar and Scenic—the one with the colorful garage door—have added more art to the yard. This is an elephant made out of strips of automobile tires. It’s well done!
Two blocks up Scenic is the prominent Scenic Neighborhood Bulletin Board. Postings today included a note that two German Shepards are available for adoption and a request to oppose the “Trans–Pacific Partnership,” supposedly being put together in secret by large corporations.
When we reached Hawthorne Terrace, about half way down the block is a weather vane in the shape of a large pig.
Continuing down the street, we like the colorful roof tiles on three of the houses. Here’s one house with the tiles. The photograph was taken through foliage on Vine Lane.
Continuing down the street, we like the colorful roof tiles on three of the houses. Here’s one house with the tiles. The photograph was taken through foliage on Vine Walk.
Here’s the map.
Up on Euclid is a lot without a house. We can’t remember if there was a house there at one time. But something is being constructed there. From a sign, it looks like a fancy garden is being built.
The house next door is getting a new roof of slate tiles.
Up on Rose Walk, we noticed that the sidewalk is heaving up to the south, and some walls are starting to lean, too.
At Buena Vista Way, where the route goes through the Berkeley Chess School, we noticed the building is still undergoing work. The play yard looks new, however.
Down on Hill Court, the work on the home at #2512 is done.
Down on Euclid, at #1631, is a window we hadn’t noticed before. It’s the Calla Lily Vendor by Diego Garcia!
At #1674, we saw an intricately carved pumpkin.
In a few minutes, we were back at the starting point.
There was an autumn feel to the air, and the prevalent colors were orange, red and gray. This is a good walk to work up an appetite for a late lunch—the time reverted to standard time this morning.
Next—Berryman Station, plus one more walk, as Berryman is fairly short.