Great Stone Face Park Walk #16

Great Stone Face Park, revisited

Sunday, 13 July 2014

More changes! The house at 551 Santa Clara Avenue is being rebuilt. 

Hope it turns out well.

We have started noticing that solar panels have become common.

The “charming oak tree” (page 109) which was “standing in solitary duty in the very middle of the street” at the intersection of Menlo Place and Santa Rosa Avenue was just cut down! The metal plates mark the spot.

We had noticed San Lorenzo Avenue was closed when we walked by early in the walk. Looks like a neighborhood party is underway.

Here is the map for Walk #16. The tree pin marks the location of the cut down oak tree. 

No surprise—we’ve given up doing the walks in numerical order.

Next—Trestle Glen and Lakeshore Highlands, Walk #26.