Another update!

Another update! Walks #12 and #22

Saturday, 12 July 2014

We are now back in shape and doing a lot of walking. In June we walked Grizzly Peaks (Walk #12). 

Atlas Path has a change—there is now a staircase next to the driveway. 

We also walked Grand Lake’s Rose Garden (Walk #22) beginning on Oakland Avenue, and are able to report that the “noble home in need of restoration” at 412 Monte Vista Avenue (page 140) has been restored! 

The landscaping looks good, too.

Bonham Way (a staircase that has two segments) has been rebuilt since our last visit.

Just a few steps down Grand Avenue from the end of Bonham Way, there is a new business with a catchy sign.

Davidson Way’s staircase was in disrepair the last time we were here. It has been completely redone.

The Rose Garden was in full bloom during our visit.

Here is the map for Walk #22.

It’s early July and we are back in shape for long walks.

Next—Great Stone Face Park, Walk #16.