Fourth Review

Fourth Review

Sunday, 17 March 2013

The Secret Stairs book has been out for about two years; is it still popular?

A week ago, we were having lunch in Rockridge, near the start of Walk #30—Upper Rockridge West. Four people walked in and sat down at a nearby table. They had the book.

They were going to do Walk #30 after they finished lunch! This would be the first walk they have taken.

Yesterday, we decided to do Walk #29—Upper Piedmont Park, in the opposite direction. We got hopelessly lost about half way through. But we did take a walk around the entrance to the cemetery and found a lot of tulips.

Today we did Walk #3—Elmwood Park, in the reverse direction. Near Monkey Island Park, as we walked towards two women, we noticed they had the book. This was only their second walk out of the book; the first was Walk #29—Upper Piedmont Park. They said they liked what they’d seen so far.

So it looks like the book is still selling.

Is the Secret Stairs book still popular? 

Next—Another walk, in reverse direction.