Elmwood Park

Elmwood Park, reprise

Sunday, 6 October 2013

We have decided this walk is easy. Or we’re in better shape. 

We walked in the reverse direction, which gives us the opportunity to see things we might have missed otherwise.

The house at 3005 Garber is nicely landscaped, and today the large grasses showed the effect of three days of strong winds. 

Here is the map of the walk. 3005 Garber is at the tree pin on the map.

There is a nice looking weather vane (a crane?) at 33 Tanglewood. 

Walking up Stonewall Road, we met a couple from the East Coast out on a walk with directions from the Claremont Hotel. They stopped to take a picture of the Stilt House from the same spot we took it in July 2012! 

The owner of the Stilt House has done some serious tree removal since our last visit. The single, white bark eucalyptus is still there, though. Here’s the picture from 2012.

The front yard of the house at 2915 Garber that is undergoing an extensive renovation. It is also a very slow job. This time, we noticed concrete had been poured, perhaps to support a fence. It will be interesting to see what the home owners do with the yard.

Not far up Garber, we came across the 1928 Schnoor Bros cement stamp. You can also see it is autumn by the leaves on the sidewalk.

Emerson Elementary School has some planter boxes along Garber where the students grow vegetables, including several quite large pumpkins.

At the corner of Garber and Piedmont, the old white house is still undergoing work. Take a look at the first redwood tree on the corner—it’s huge!

At the top of Avalon Path is a large home undergoing restoration. We think the street address is 2910 Avalon Avenue. The palm trees are new, as is the driveway. 

We proceeded down Pine Path and back to the starting point of the walk.

Here is a link to the first entry in the blog about Walk #3.

Found: A Schnoor Bros cement stamp with a year—that’s a first.

Next—Walk #4, Panoramic Hills.