Last Day (2017 Trip)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

We went over to the nearby Chapultepec Zoo, located in, yes, Chapultepec Park. 

Here is a map showing our activities today.

We then walked to the market on sidewalks on the edge of Lincoln park. There is a lot going on! Here is a small bowl of guacamole and a small display of avocados.

Here is a common, colorful sight in the parks we’ve walked in.

We also saw exercise equipment in its own area, a dog park, and people enjoying the great park. 

We then went to explore another district, Condesa, which has a lot of art deco buildings. And more parks!

Lunch was at Fonda Fina. The food was quite good. Here’s a dish with zucchini flowers, nuts and chips.

We took a car over to the Museo Soumaya, which opened in 2011.

That’s quite a structure!

The museum is named after the late wife of the founder, Carlos Slim. Mr Slim is one of the wealthiest people in the world. This is the most–visited museum in the country. 

Here is an example of the very large collection.

After the visit, we went back to our Polanco neighborhood and walked around a bit. The streets all have trees along the sidewalks—it’s a pleasant place. And here is another balloon vendor.

Here again is the map of today’s activities.

We visited the zoo, great parks and a relatively new museum. It was a short trip, and we’ve decided we’re going to come back. Mexico City is a wonderful place.

Tomorrow—back to the airport for a flight home.

Our hotel is the blue pin on the left side of the map. Our first stop was at the Zoo indicated by the giraffe pin. Our next destination was the nearby big outdoor market that is on the side of Lincoln Park (no pin), near our hotel. Then we had lunch over at the knife and spoon pin. Lastly, we visited the museum of Carlos Slim, indicated with a blue museum pin. 

The zoo had quite a few big animals we do not see often, or ever, in a zoo. For instance, they have wildebeests. We had a good time. Here are two pictures; the first shows nice looking hippos and the second is a Gemsbok. The zoo also has two pandas. Readers of this blog will note that we always seem to make time for the zoo.