Peloponese Part 2

Saturday—Wednesday September 12—September 16, 2015

From Napflio (binocular pin), we drove north to Mycenae, marked by a museum pin.

Mycenae was a big and important city in 1350 BC, the Bronze Age. From what we have read, no one knows for sure why the city was abandoned. The area is also a UNESCO World Heritage site

This is the main gate (Lion Gate) into the walled city. It looks small, but a person riding a horse would have no difficulty going through it.

Same gate, looking to the outside.

If you look closely, you can see the stone walls of the city.

There is a museum on site. 

The city also had a treasury, built into the side of a hill. 

The next morning, Sunday, we drove up to Epidavros/Epidaurus to see the ancient musical site, built in the 4th Century BC. Supposedly, a person speaking in the circle can be easily heard in the highest row of seats. The top section was added by the Romans. The Sanctuary is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

We also visited the Archaeological Museum of Epidaurus.

This looks like it has been reconstructed, but it is nice looking.

Our next stop was a hotel by the sea, where we spent two days. The beach was beautiful and relaxing. And the sunsets were great, too.

On the map, Epidaurus has a tragic/comic pin.

On Wednesday afternoon, we drove over to Corinth and stayed at a hotel for the night. The next morning we got up early and drove a short distance to Ancient Corinth. Which, of course, has a Venetian fort way up a steep mountain!

Also, St Paul visited here and established a church we visited.

The Ancient City of Corinth pin the map is three blocks. 

The Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth has a good collection.

We then drove back to Athens Airport and took a late afternoon flight to Paris (right over Venice!) and spent the night at an airport hotel. On Thursday morning, we flew non stop to San Francisco (5,580 miles/8,930 km).

The Peloponnese has a lot of sights and our time there was great.

We left Nafplio and drove to the ancient city of Mycenae, then visited Epidaurus. From there, we hung out at the beach for two days. Then we visited Ancient Corinth, before driving back to Athens Airport for a flight to Paris, then connecting to San Francisco.

We were really happy that we went to Greece and Turkey, enjoying them both more than we expected.

Next—Paris Charles de Gaulle and a long flight back home.