Thursday–Saturday September 23–25, 2010
We took a fast, non–stop train up to Madrid. Atocha Station is undergoing a big renovation for another high speed line. Spain is building a lot of high speed rail—we saw construction in several cities.
Here’s the total car trip on one map. We covered 1,050 miles/1,700 kilometers in the car. The train’s route to Madrid is here, too.
In Madrid, we visited the Prado and the Thyssen Bornemisza museums. We walked around a lot, and ate tapas for lunch and dinner in Plaza Santa Ana.
Here’s the route home. From London it was a long 11 hours, 15 minutes.
Here is part of a famous portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni at the Thyssen, a focus of a special exhibit while we were there. She died in 1488, and is buried in Santa Maria Novella.
We are taking a fast train to Madrid, where we will visit museums, walk around a lot and eat tapas.
Next—to London Heathrow to change airplanes for the journey home.