
MondayTuesday September 13–14, 2010

In our Ford Focus, we drove north on the fast highway to Girona, about 65 miles from Barcelona. The Focus is a small car, but the underground parking garage at the hotel made it seem like an Edsel.

Girona is an attractive, old city. The streets in the oldest section are generally too small for automobiles. Here are two pictures, one taken in the evening and one the next morning.

A number of streets are like this one.

The most prominent structure is the cathedral, on a hill, of course. The information sign says it has the largest nave in the world.

In this area between the river and the cathedral are museums devoted to Islamic and Jewish residents in the 15th century, before they were booted out of the country.

We drove north to old Girona, and used it as a base for day trips.

Next—day trips to a Greek port, and the Dalí museum.