Serra Cafema Camp

Monday, August 28, 2017

We got up early and caught another airplane north to a riverside camp. It’s at the fish pin on the map. To get there, we flew to Swakopmund, transferred to another plane, flew to Doro Nawas, another air strip (airplane pin on the map), which is a hub, and transferred again for the last leg up to Serra Cafema.

On the drive into camp from the air strip, we got a good look at the Kunene River. The mountain on the right is in Angola.

Here is another view of the river as it rolls through the dry country.

From the dining area of our camp, here is a look across the river at Angola.

The next morning, we went off in our truck to see animals out on the sand dunes. Here they are a different color and lower, more rolling, than at Sossusvlei. We saw a lot of Chacma baboons on the dunes. This is a subset of the much larger family.

Oryx sightings were not rare! We also saw quite a few light brown young ones, but they were too far away to get good photos. 

The look of the countryside changed often as we drove in the truck. We were out for six hours and only saw one other truck. Our tour operator says this is the most remote camp in southern Africa.

Sometimes on our drive, the sand dunes looked like they rolled on forever. We had lunch out on these dunes.

Here is a good photo showing off the oryx’s horns.

We also took a short boat ride on the river.

We saw a few crocodiles in our brief trip.

This is a fine wading bird, a Goliath Heron.

At the half way point on the boat trip, we pulled ashore briefly and landed in Angola. We also saw a few small Angolan villages on the boat trip. 

Tomorrow morning, we are going to take several flights south to reach the Skeleton Coast area.

On Monday morning, we flew north to Serra Cafema Camp, where we will stay for two nights. The Camp is on the river border with Angola.