Upper Rockridge West Walk #30
Upper Rockridge West, revisited
Sunday, 3 August 2014
After crossing Broadway, we walked past the palm trees that line Rockridge Boulevard.
Here is the map for Walk #30.
Someone has decorated the concrete post at the top of the first staircase (Margarido Drive).
These new lamps are attractive at 5929 Acacia Avenue.
There has been an extensive remodeling project at 6159 Acacia.
Look for the friendly cat as you walk by 6240 Acacia. It is always out on the driveway. Up on Alpine Terrace, a house designed for the view of the Bay is being built.
We finally found The Istana! It’s mentioned on page 181 in the book.
The vacant lot next to 6183 Ocean View Drive has a new house on it.
At 5945 Ocean View, there is now a container to leave a book or take one.
This is a great walk for exercise, plus the views are good. Home improvements were noted along the walk.
Next—Dracena Park, Walk #34.