To Lake Masek Lodge

Saturday, February 13, 2016

We drove east from Kusini Camp towards our next lodge at Lake Masek. 

The first spotting was of a large group of giraffes.

Then we came upon a group of lions laying in the grass. Here are two.

It was a warm day, and this spotted hyena is laying in a mud bath.

Thomson’s gazelles are not easy to photograph, as they usually turn their back to the truck.

We turned into a small valley with a flowing creek. There was a big herd of wildebeest running across the creek.

Further up the valley, the migration had moved on. Here are a group of lions. Almost all of them were yawning. All of the lions we’ve seen appear to be happy and well fed.

On the way to Masek Lake Camp for a short rest, we found a lion cub in a tree.

It turns out there were quite a few lions in nearby trees. Here is one taking a nap.

After lunch, we came upon elephants for the first time on this trip.

This is our second trip to Tanzania. The first one was in the dry season. We have concluded the “wet” season is nicer. And, interestingly, the number of tse tse flies is way down on this safari. With the migration, there are a lot of ordinary flies. Lions have a lot on their skins.

Our guide spotted this lilac–breasted roller.

Before heading back to Masek Lake Camp, our guide spotted a cheetah in the grass. Wow.

We left Kusini early in the morning and drove east about 12 miles (20 km) to Lake Masek Camp.

Next—more Serengeti!