Chaa Creek and Environs

Saturday, March 7, 2020

We flew 2,306 nautical miles/4,270 kilometers from San Francisco to Belize City via a night stay at Dallas–Fort Worth.

Upon our arrival in Belize (airplane icon on the map), we were met by hotel staff, and set off on a two hour car trip to Chaa Creek. It was past mid–afternoon when we arrived, so we did not go exploring that first day. The bed symbol on the map is at Chaa Creek.

The next morning, we went on a half day car trip near Guatamala to visit Mayan sites Xunantunich (dating back to 600 AD) and Cahal Pech (dating back to 1200 BC). To get to Xunantunich we took a hand cranked car ferry across a river. Here are a few photos of what we saw.

After getting back to Chaa Creek, we went to the nearby Natural History Center and its butterfly farm.

The next day, we walked around the hotel area, looking at farms and forests. On Wednesday 11 March, we are going to Tikal, across the border in Guatamala.